Business Healthcare Cover
The Mid Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce is pleased to introduce AXA Health for their business healthcare cover
At AXA Health, we know that your people are your greatest asset. Offering healthcare cover shows your employees that you really value what they do for you. That you’re ready to invest in their health and wellbeing – and in getting them back on their feet again if they become unwell.
Healthcare cover can help to provide you with peace of mind that your team’s health and wellbeing is being looked after, so you can focus on your business.
Find out more about our offers for Chambers members:
Apply to become a member
We are the 'go to' organisation and the local voice for businesses across the region. We help to drive growth among businesses of all sizes offering you support that is relevant and adds value.
Membership offers your organisation access to a wide range of benefits to help your get connected, supported and represented. Whether you are looking to grow your network, learn a new skill or ensure your voice is heard by policy makers locally, regionally and nationally.
If you require any assistance please call the membership team on 01484 483679.